Vozni park i novosti

Autor shef, Siječanj 20, 2008, 15:23:48


Hi Tobi,

Yes, all were scrapped. If some are still there (which I don't think is the case), they will never drive again, in Liburnija or any other place. That's the mandate you mentioned - 1 scrapped bus for 1 new bus. There is none of the old guard anymore in Split as well, with 34 buses being scrapped last year and 18 more in the process. Tough times for us oldie lovers.
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German Perfectionist


thanks for the reply, that confirms my suspicion, very unfortunate to hear. Some of the buses were not even 20 years old... And pretty much all of them were way higher quality than the new Ivecos  :'(

Anyways, another thing I wanted to let you all know: I've set up a Liburnija fleet list on busphoto.eu with all the information I have, but there's still a lot missing (VINs, arrival dates, previous owners, etc etc) - if any of you can fill in some missing data, go ahead :D

Here's the link to the site:

Tobi aka German Perfectionist


Well, they were still very old and the general public much prefers to ride in new buses. As for Liburnija, the problem is that there are no members from Zadar active on the forum. So, we get all of our photos and info when somebody visits Zadar, which means we are usually behind a bit and we won't know such details as arrival dates. We could use your photos, actually. As you can see, we still haven't updated our own lists. As for the VINs, check out a PM I just sent you.
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Konrad Bek s Phototransa uhvatio je #850 u paškim Šimunima prije mjesec dana. Nekako mi se ne čini da je ovo još uvijek Liburnijin bus, vjerojatno je prodan nekome i sad ovako stoji:

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Da li mozda neko ima info o ex. Dubai busevima,koji su ima gbr.,odnosno tablice?


Ovo bi trebali biti nesuđeni Arapi
246 -- Mercedes Benz Citaro O530  (ZD-613-GZ) -- 2009.
247 -- Mercedes Benz Citaro O530  (ZD-502-HB) -- 2009.
248 -- Mercedes Benz Citaro O530  (ZD-248-HB) -- 2009.
249 -- Mercedes Benz Citaro O530  (ZD-247-HB) -- 2009.
250 -- Mercedes Benz Citaro O530  (ZD-162-HB) -- 2009.


Da, "ex Dubai" ne bi trebalo biti točno. Čini se da oni jesu originalno napravljeni za RTA Dubai, ali tamo nisu nikad isporučeni, već su završili u Zadru nakon isteka garancije. Valja napomenuti da je #252 kasnije obojan u tu shemu, nije originalno dio ove priče.
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To su bili zamjenski busevi za veliki kontigent za Dubai. Koliko znam bili su uskladišteni u luci Pirej i onda prodani Liburniji.
Ne ideš u lov na patke ili brat masline pa da kažeš da je sezona završila,autobusa uvik ima,nisu ko laste da se tek na proljeće vraćaju



Upravo tako
Malo specifični / klima , vrata i maska bez znaka /
Samo mi sudite pošteno !


tramvajac 92

Klima je pretpostavljam jača nego što je uobičajeno ili ima još nešto?


Evo što kažu na busphoto.eu o njima:

Full story:
— Built in 2009 as part of a mass order of 260 vehicles for RTA Dubai.
— Five buses were damaged during transport and got sent to Greece for repairs.
— RTA then refused to take delivery of them, leaving the vehicles to sit unused.
— After the warranty had expired, it was decided to sell the buses.
— Liburnija Zadar was a happy customer for the severely devalued, but technically still "new" buses.

Special Dubai features:
— Extra heat insulation in the floor, insulated wheel housings
— Special glass for the windows
— Air showers at the entrances to distribute cold air
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tramvajac 92

Imao sam se priliku provozati u jednom, i unutra kad u%u0111e%u0161, ne izgleda puno druga%u010Dije, samo ima red sjedala vi%u0161e iza voza%u010Da u odnosu na na%u0161e, uobi%u010Dajene. Privola je za sva vrata. I prije 2. vrata ima pregradu od stakla, da odvoji taj red. Broj 249 je bio sretan broj  ;D

tramvajac 92

Update popisa voznog parka:
400 -> ZD 874-LH

German Perfectionist

Citat: tramvajac 92  u Kolovoz 25, 2020, 20:13:56
Update popisa voznog parka:
400 -> ZD 874-LH

No, it's ZD 874-LB now. Almost ;)
I checked the registration though, the change already happened in October 2018??  :o